Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Packing, Praying and Waiting!

Today has truly been a blessing. My day has been filled with phone calls, texts, Facebook messages and visits from family and friends, wishing me well on this trip. I'm sure people don't realize, but their kind words mean more than they know. My siblings have given me numerous hugs today, telling me that they love me, while my parents surprise me with a dinner at Red Lobster (my favorite). Thank God for such a supportive family!

I leave in nine hours and I'm hoping I can get some sleep tonight. I have packed lightly, but I have that feeling that I'm forgetting something...

The first verse in my travel journal, a gift from my parents, is "God will be with you wherever you go."-Joshua 1:9 NIV. That's a great note to begin on :). 

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